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- Recommendations
The Report provides recommendations to government to address the most significant environmental issues, and provides data and analysis to assist government, industry, and the community to take action to improve environmental outcomes.
It is advised that, if the South Australian Government accepts these recommendations, they are incorporated into the business planning strategies of relevant agencies with progress reported annually. This will ensure the recommendations are delivered and can be appropriately referenced in the 2028 State of the Environment Report to improve transparency and accountability for their implementation.
Taking Action
Responding to Climate Change
Biodiversity Protection
Management of Plastics
Aboriginal Values & Knowledge
11 February 2025
The South Australian Government is required to prepare and publish a response to the State of the Environment Report under section 112 of the Environment Protection Act 1993 (EP Act). This response has been prepared by the South Australian Government and outlines proposed actions to address the five recommendations that have been identified in the 2023 SOER.